I had the opportunity to choose a topic of my interest and create a working historical website on this information. I chose to research the history of the Chilliwack Hop Farms and more specifically took a look at the multicultural relations that occurred on these farms. I chose the Chilliwack Hop Farms in particular because I have been involved in the craft beer industry for five years and the history of hops in the town I grew up in, fascinates me. I did most of my research at the Chilliwack Archives where Tristan Evans helped me dig through various images, articles, newspapers, and diaries.

In order to get the best learning experience, I suggest you move onto the “Growth & Decline of the Hop Industry” page, then move onto the various worker pages and finish off on the “Cross-Cultural Relations” page.

I am so happy to share this historical information and take you on the journey of multicultural relations on the Chilliwack Hop Farms.