Among the First Nations and Mennonite workers, there were also South Asian workers and Japanese workers who also took pride in their hop yard work.
South Asian Workers
I wasn’t able to find much information on the South Asian workers on the hop farms which brought me to the assumption that they were a relatively small part of the workforce. What I do know is that they worked closely with other people of various ethnicities and often had the same work ethic.

Japanese Workers
I also wasn’t able to find much information on the Japanese workers however I think they played a much bigger part in the workforce than the South Asian workers. I say this because I was able to find more images of them working in the hop yards and I came across this piece of information from “The Chilliwack Story” by Ron Denman. Denman stated “these groupings of cabins were organized into camps, such as the white camp, Indian camp, and Japanese camp”. This piece of information made me wonder why there was no designated camp for the South Asian workers which still has me wondering to do this day.

Location: F241